Charity or rather the art of giving makes the world go round. It's always inspiring to find successful women in their own careers, bending over backward to establish additional sources of funding avenue to help the needing.
They could easily just through money at problem and turn a blind eye, but to them, giving has to be done with passion, and openness, in a fun way and involve the family as a way to express the importance of togetherness. Bridgitt Grobbelaar, Alicia Moolman Steinz and Geneine Preston came together to make a difference in the community. The bag ladies accept a bag of dog or cat food for the shelters that most need it. Their also concentrate their efforts in taking care of the frail. However, the reality is if there is a need, they will club together and come up with an event to make an impact to the person or community that is in need.

Preston who is fearless and loyal, is that one that is vocal and formidable – grabs the bull by the horns and goes out to shake the world and make it listen. She joined us to talk about the BAG ladies next venture which is all about creating a mini park to for families to cheer the Boks, while bonding with family and community and hopefully making new friends.
Connect with the team on: 0832282406 or book through SA Commuter website: