Annelize fighting the good fight of hope.
An ongoing story | Annelize's journey started at the beginning of 2022 when she went for a back operation. She needed the back operation, or she would be paralyzed. A procedure that would have helped her turn against her and eradicated her life. She got a bacterial infection. The only antibiotics that might work for her were found in America, but it was expensive. There was a glimmer of hope as the Doctors discovered the same antibiotics are in South Africa. Hope faded when they realized that she was allergic to the new antibiotics. The Doctor will continue the operation in a few days, although she is still weak.
She needs your prayer and support during this difficult time. The community is raising money to support Annalize with medical funding as the quick operation was a disastrous, expensive journey, not for the faint-hearted.
Annelize is fighting a good fight.
Selling Boerewors rolls will help with this task to cover the medical bills. Support this cause: Support Annalize - Facebook page or donate and make a difference.
R35 for 1
R130 for 5
R260 for 10
Order at Retha 083 353 6811
Banking details
JW van Reenen
Account 630 099 81530
Savings Account