In a groundbreaking move set to redefine the landscape of South African education, Minister of Basic Education, Mrs Angie Motshekga, unveiled a transformative Coding and Robotics Curriculum poised to revolutionize learning in schools across the nation.
In a recent interview with Project CB News, Natalie, a mother who faced the challenging journey of childhood cancer, shared a deeply moving and inspiring story, shedding light on the pressing need for awareness and collective action.
In this delicate balance between fresh starts and culminating achievements, education's corridors resonate with the anticipation of Grade 1's inaugural steps and the anxious wait for the verdict that will shape the destinies of the Class of 2023. It's a tapestry of transitions, set against the backdrop of a new year
Embark on the exciting journey of your child's first day in grade 1 with our comprehensive guide tailored for South African moms in 2024. Navigating the dynamic landscape of elementary education can be both thrilling and challenging. From the initial orientation sessions to fostering a strong parent-teacher partnership, we've curated invaluable insights to support you every step of the way.
Discover tips on effective communication strategies with teachers, ensuring your child's emotional well-being during this transition, and leveraging educational resources such as interactive apps aligned with the South African curriculum. Establishing routines, both at school and at home, becomes crucial in providing a sense of security and organization for your little one.
Active participation in school life is encouraged through volunteering opportunities and involvement in local parent support groups. Stay informed about health and safety protocols, creating a secure environment for your child's learning experience.
Join us as we delve into the nuances of South African primary education in 2024, offering practical advice, resources, and a supportive community for grade 1 moms. Your journey begins here – with confidence, connection, and the promise of a successful start to your child's educational adventure.
SACE warns educators about fraudulent agents offering fake registration services. Beware of scams promising quick turnaround times. Council urges reporting any suspicious activities to for swift action.
Youth is by far the most frustrating time in life. It is quite a strange period where an individual is not old enough to be on their own, but at the same time, they feel a strong sense of independence. That is so ironic, wouldn’t you say so? The youth is forever on a journey of self-discovery. The Bible represents youth as a time of both danger and challenge. That very same reason is why AFM Pretoria Word of Life held a “Girls of Destiny” one-day conference on the 24th of June 2023. The theme of the one-day conference was ‘Inheritance’.