Adolescence is a critical time of self-discovery and identity formation. It is a beautiful yet painful time when young people begin to establish a sense of who they are as individuals and in Jesus Christ. They are prone to face challenges as they cope with the combination of emotional, physical, social, academic, and work commitments.
In this generation, many might question the importance and relevance of Christian Youth Conferences. Well, the matter of the fact is that these conferences still serve a purpose. In a fast-paced environment where the church isn’t always a ‘go-to place’, Christian Youth Conferences serve as a necessity that brings the wounded and tired souls back to the Lord Almighty. It is a place of safety, love, and peace.

The most heartwarming fact about conferences is that friendships are built and so is unity. This is something that the leaders and organisers of the conference, Pastor A Chitekedza, Pastor R Mutakiwa, Mai Mufundisi Mudhara, Pastor L Mutero, Pastor P Munemo, and Mrs. Nyabadza, aimed to achieve. The leaders take the role of mothers and teach them the ways of life, just as any loving parents would do.
“I am super excited. This day is very important to me, and everyone involved because we want to equip our girls with much-needed knowledge and guidance. The theme for today is from the book Numbers as it focuses on inheritance. The daughters of Zelophehad knew their rights and that is what we want our girls here today to know as well. They must not just take the law as it is, being a young lady is not a curse, it is a blessing. Whatever these ladies want to do in life, they can achieve it because they are not limited by gender,” said Pastor A Chitekedza.
The one-day conference commenced with Pastor R Mutakiwa leading the intercession, emphasising the point that the young ladies present had so much more to offer than what society told them.

“Take back your inheritance, not only earthly but heavenly inheritance. As young ladies of faith, you should never cease to pray or hope for a better future. Marriage is not the end goal, it’s something that will come when the time is right. It’s not something you should place all your focus on. When the word is spoken…how are you going to receive it? How you receive your inheritance is how you receive the word of God,” says Pastor R Mutakiwa.
It is easy to read the Bible and be almost ‘bombarded’ by the stories of amazing men such as Abraham, Isaac, Peter, James, and so forth - granted they did work that pleased the Lord. However, the Bible also has stories, many stories at that, of phenomenal women, young and old. Strong and courageous women who led armies and challenged kings.
A young lady challenging a king that has the nation under his control is crazy and daring, but possible. It is possible because why not? God gave us control and dominion over everything and anything on earth, so challenging a king should be a walk in the park! The Proverbs 31 woman is such a beautiful, almost priceless work of art - for strength and honour are her clothing!
Shiprah and Pauh, Rahab, Ruth, Deborah, Esther, and many other extraordinary women in the Bible were brave no matter what hurdles stood in their way. Their trust and faith in God are what saved them and made them who they are. These fearless women are perfect examples to many young ladies all over the world.
Mai Mufundisi Mudhara eased the tension between the young ladies during the icebreaker moment as they prepared themselves for the moment they had all come for, the teaching from guest speaker Pastor L Mutero.

“All women of God here, I celebrate you,” Pastor L Mutero declared in enthusiasm as she stood before the hopeful eyes of young ladies that wanted to have an encounter with God and leave the conference new, confident, courageous, and faithful.
The theme scripture was from the book of Numbers 27 verses 1 to 11- the story of Zelophehad, his daughters, and the issue of inheritance. She emphasised the issue of land distribution and how, according to the commandments and laws of the tribes, daughters were not to be given land. Zelophehad had no sons. She wanted the young ladies to read between the lines and comprehend the meaning behind the scripture.

“The daughters went to Moses to ask for the land. The daughters were not entitled to the land of their father. No one was there to claim the inheritance. That’s why they went to Moses. They didn’t want their father’s name to be forgotten. Daughters are not born privileged because they leave the house and change their surnames. Today, this will be corrected! Your name shall not be forgotten!” declared Pastor L Mutero.
Her message was clear, full of love and compassion for the young ladies. In a world where some parents might not leave a good inheritance for their daughters, she encouraged the daughters to place their dreams and aspiration in the hands of God and have faith like a palm tree - shaken by the forces of the world but can never be uprooted.
She encouraged the ladies of destiny to move by faith. To not sit in poverty and depression and anxiety but move in flight and take their heavenly inheritance. Zelophehad’s daughters changed the law and protocols because of their faith in God.
“Be a young lady that your family will be proud of. How do you want people to remember you? You are a representative of your family and church. A good name is better than riches. Are you striving to be a child of God? How does God see you as a child here at AFM Word of Life Pretoria? Go before God in boldness and confidence knowing that the matter is in God’s hands. No one is going to stand in your way,” Pastor L Mutero said, ending her teaching.
The Girls of Destiny ended the conference with much-awaited events: a modeling competition/best dressed hosted by Pastor P Munemo, and Mrs. Nyabadza. The winners got some goodies, but not before they were given a lesson on dressing etiquette as young Christian ladies.

In a generation that can sometimes be overwhelming and fast-paced, Pastor P Munemo encouraged the young ladies to dress in such a way that honors themselves and those around them, just like the Proverbs 31 woman. There was also a raffle draw hosted by Pastor Mary and Mrs. Matavire Junior.
The highlight of the conference for many of the young ladies was the dance competition hosted by Mrs. Matavire Senior and Mrs. Chiworeso. The dancers were cheered on by their friends who later joined them on the dance floor as the conference came to a successful end.

The AFM Word of Life Youth Leader, Patricia Ushe was absolutely thrilled with the outcome of the conference. “Today’s conference was important. It felt like big sisters giving life lessons and advice to their younger sisters. We need to teach the ladies how to apply the Bible in their lives, especially with the rapid spread of new teachings on social media. They should grasp the principles of the Bible, and not be afraid of anything,” she stated.